Shell Jewellery
How beautiful are sea shells?
The array of their colours, shapes, textures and sizes is quite extraordinary. They are treasures lining the seashore like a necklace around the ocean.
I have collected a lot of shells over the years mostly from New Zealand and a few from Australia.
Below is a collection of jewellery I have made with sterling silver and gold castings from shells.
Scallop shell locket.
Carry pictures of your holidays or loved ones in a scallop shell locket.
Tahitian pearl necklace with a shell clasp
A stunning array of multi toned, circlé Tahitian pearls complemented with a spiral shell clasp in sterling silver.
White gold shell bracelet with a Tahitian pearl
Diamond encrusted starfish on white gold shells with a Tahitian pearl. Sold
If you love shells and would like something unique made, please get in touch.
Tahitian pearls with silver wentletrapp shells
Keeping the magic of the sea with you. Wentletrapp shells with Tahitian pearls.
Scallop shell bracelet - made to order
If you like chunky jewellery, this piece is for you.
Gold shells and pearls